What’s new in Enterprise 12.4 release?

The new features in the latest Enterprise Vault release further strengthen the leadership position in on-premises archiving and expands the hybrid-archiving story (archive on premises but leverage cloud storage where possible).  New release also improves the ability to scale 0365 archiving for Enterprise Vault users.

What’s new in Enterprise 12.4 release?

Azure Information Protection (AIP) Decryption

You can now decrypt Office 365 Journal content that is encrypted using AIP services. The encrypted items can then be fully indexed and available for search and preview. In Compliance and Discovery Accelerator, you can filter items on the basis of their encryption status, export the items, and then decrypt them using a new utility called EmlDecryptor.exe.

A new tab called RMS is added to the Site Properties dialog box, which allows you to enable RMS decryption. This tab also allows you to specify details such as the Intranet URL, Extranet URL, a Tenant ID, a Symmetric Key, and an Application Principal ID so that the Enterprise Vault server can authenticate with the Azure Information Protection (AIP) services.

The Journal Reports section in the Advanced  tab of the SMTP Policy Properties now includes an option called Decrypt RMS Protected Items. This setting controls whether Enterprise Vault should decrypt RMS-protected messages for indexing and preview. Note that to use this setting, you must store the RMS-protected message as the primary message during archiving.

Enterprise Vault currently supports the decryption of items that are archived using SMTP Journaling and SMTP Group Journaling. Items that are archived using SMTP Mailbox Journaling are available only in the encrypted format.


Centralized configuration for auditing


In Enterprise Vault 12.4, you can configure auditing in the following ways:

•Enable or disable auditing across all the Enterprise Vault servers in the site at once, or for individual servers.

•Use common audit categories for all the Enterprise Vault servers in the site.

•Configure audit categories separately for each Enterprise Vault server.


 The Configure Auditing option in the Enterprise Vault Servers container in the Administration Console lets you enable and configure auditing for all the available Enterprise Vault servers in the site. Note that the option to enable auditing is no longer available from the Auditing tab of the Computer Properties of the Enterprise Vault server.


OData support for auditing


With Enterprise Vault 12.4, you can retrieve records from the Enterprise Vault auditing database using the Open Data (OData) web service. You can use this information with any OData-compatible reporting tool to create reports as required. Examples of such reporting tools include Excel/PowerQuery and Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS).


New Powershell lets to set archive permissions


This release adds the following PowerShell lets for managing archive permissions.


  • Get-EVArchivePermission: Returns a list of all the users and groups who have access to the specified archive.
  • Set-EVArchivePermission: Lets you grant or deny access permissions to a given user or group on the specified archive.
  • Remove-EVArchivePermission: Removes the access permissions that are granted or denied to a given user or group on the specified archive.


Support for Outlook 2016 Click to Run


This release includes support for Microsoft Office Outlook 2016 Click to Run (32-bit version) on Enterprise Vault servers and clients.



Removed dependency on Visual Studio 2008 C++ Runtime from the product


Earlier versions of Enterprise Vault required you to install theMicrosoft Visual C++ 2008 SP1 Redistributable package on both client and servercomputers. This is not the case with Enterprise Vault 12.4.


If you previously installed the 2008 SP1 Redistributable package and donot need it for any other applications that you run on your client and servercomputers, you can uninstall it.