What’s new on MaaS 360 Mobile Device Management 10.71

What’s new on MaaS 360 Mobile Device Management 10.71



1. MaaS360 now allows you to Disown Device web service API from Apple Device Enrollment Program. The Disown Device API disowns a Device Enrollment Program (DEP) device (based on the device identifier) that is associated with a Device Enrollment Program (DEP) token. After a device is disowned from the DEP, administrator needs to unenroll the disowned device. The API then informs Apple servers that the server no longer owns one or more MaaS360 enrolled DEP devices. Depending on the response seen below, taken from the server user can use the device without supervision features.

2. Success: The device is disowned successfully.

3. Not accessible: A device with the specified  ID is not accessible.

4. Failed: The process of disowning the device failed due to an unexpected issue. If the process fails after 3 attempts, you must contact Apple Support.

5. MaaS360 a new policy that can be found on “MaaS360 Portal -> WorkPlace Persona policy -> Browser Defaults” allows users to enable certificate-based authentication for web pages with an identity certificate.



1. MaaS360 adds the Android Enrollment Wizard, a consolidated workflow for all Android enrollments, both Device Admin DO (Device Owner) and (PO) Profile Owner. The enrollment wizard displays interactive options that guides you through the Android enrollment method that suits your requirements. The existing Android enrollment menus are still available from the MaaS360 Portal.

2. The following Device Admin policies are deprecated in the MaaS360 Portal when Android upgrades its OS to version 10 in 2019:


Portal path


Android MDM policy > Device Settings > Passcode > Passcode Settings

  • Maximum Passcode Age (in Days)
  • Minimum Passcode Quality
  • Minimum Passcode Length (4-16 characters)

Android MDM policy > Device Settings > Passcode > Security

Disable Keyguard Features

Android MDM policy > Device Settings > Passcode > Restrictions





1. MaaS360 extends support for the Delivery Optimization (DO) method in a Windows 10 policy. The Delivery Optimization (DO) method is a peer-to-peer delivery of s to networked PCs in an organization. These s include Windows s, security s, Windows Store apps, and Windows Store for Business apps. This setting is available in the “MaaS360 Portal  -> Windows Policy -> Device Settings.

2. MaaS360 now supports wifi-based geo-fencing for Windows 10 MDM enrolled devices. Administrators can add managed wifi locations in the “MaaS360 Portal -> Security -> Locations -> Add Wi-Fi Locations. Administrators use the Assign Policies action to enforce different policies based on whether the devices checked in to the managed wifi locations. The MaaS360 Portal also displays a Checked In or Checked Out status for devices that are connecting or disconnecting from wifi locations. Device users can view managed wifi locations from the Windows 10 MaaS360 app on the device.

Note: This feature require MES Agent version 1.85 and the MaaS360 Core app 4.00. You must contact IBM support to enable this feature.

3. MaaS360 now supports IBM Cloud Identity integration with Windows 10 desktops and laptops. IBM Cloud Identity is a stand-alone identity service from IBM that provides single sign-on (SSO) capabilities to ensure that only trusted devices and apps can access enterprise or corporate resources.


App Management

  • Administrators can now add and approve Google apps directly from a managed Google Play Store. In previous releases, administrators added apps from the public Google Play Store.